My progress, while superior to that of the small girls he was obliged to teach for a living, indicated a very modest talent.
Its one modest talent is learning by example to recognize junk e-mail messages and keep them from my in-box.
As long as you live in this universe, and have a modest talent for mathematics, sooner or later you'll find it.
After all, her human friend had only just begun learning to use his modest talents.
Come on Jonathan, we know why you like Shaw's modest talents.
As a young man Mr. Perry had a modest talent for song and dance.
I turned out to have a modest talent for neuropsychiatry.
All showed a modest talent for sorcery, but none had the drive and obsession to get into a genuine school of wizardry.
I'm a liar by nature, a modest talent of mine, but one I cultivate.
"A modest talent, but one which has its uses," Bachfisch admitted.