Many of his seemingly modest initiatives, often derided as political gestures, have had significant influence around the country.
Today's installment concerns domestic policy, specifically the series of modest initiatives he has put together since failing to sell wholesale health care reform.
Yet despite all the lip service paid to compassionate conservative ideas, even these modest initiatives never materialized.
From what he could tell, Fundal was honest, relatively frugal, and probably without imagination or more than modest initiative.
He hails a modest initiative to keep some schools around the city open on nights and weekends as the "21st-century version of settlement houses."
A modest federal initiative, possibly supported by state programs, could expand this access and help smooth the road to citizenship.
Instead, his aides say the administration is looking to reinforce existing anti-drug efforts with more modest initiatives.
She could enjoy her own modest initiatives and small victories.
The president, though, continues to focus on modest initiatives that don't begin to address the structural deficiencies in the system.
It is a deterrent to modest initiative among ordinary people in factories or on farms.