From the start he has had only a modest following.
The book is regarded as a classic by fans of Australian literature and has been reprinted in 2002 and has a modest following.
Roxlee also has a modest but keen international following, mostly in Western Europe, Japan and Singapore.
John Rehfeld, vice president of Toshiba America, said company officials expected the T3100 to attract a modest following among hard-core computer "power users."
As such they have modest, splintered followings among the faithful.
Accompanied by Garay and a modest following, she and Mary set out for Đakovo.
It was somewhat primitive but attracted a modest following.
Inside his community, although he served as a minister in the last government, too, Mr. Yishai has only a modest following.
"Soul Food," on Showtime, has a modest following.
The band has built a modest following and cult status based on TV, radio and live performances.