And $40,000-plus seemed high for a roadster of modest comfort, whose performance was so overshadowed by the muscular Porsche 911.
Once this place had been furnished, not grandly perhaps, but with an eye to modest comfort.
"We have not even reached a state of modest comfort, so there is nothing to brag about," he reportedly said.
Depart, and you can live in modest comfort for the remainder of your days!
They enjoy a modest comfort - until, perversely, economic reform causes their standard of living to plummet.
By 1895, Grace's growing success as a popular artist was bringing in more than enough money for the couple to live in modest comfort.
This may be of only modest comfort to families full of understandable anger and frustration.
But so perhaps did the modest comforts made possible by Emmet's wages.
Evidence that exchange rates work according to Hoyle should be only modest comfort, though.
Model d has described Brightmoor a neighborhood where families could own a house and live in modest comfort.