Innovative and refined modernist works grew alongside vibrantly creative popular music.
Religious, surreal, impressionist, genre, still life, landscape and modernist works are also included.
The books of the 30s did not receive the same recognition as modernist works after the war.
Lacking is the wonderful impact that would come with a fuller panorama of these fairly bold, usually quite successful modernist works.
The museum also houses early modernist works by artists from the nearby art colony of Worpswede.
This new orchestral music is very different from his earlier, modernist works.
In contrast, he said, "modernist works haven't been around long enough to endear them to people."
And as in so many modernist works, an apparently aimless pattern masks a deeper, irrational meaning.
It is one of the major modernist literary works of the 20th century.
Aggressive attacks such as this one being waged against modernist works of architecture are regrettable.