Somewhat in the style of a Russian opera, the audience are either puzzled or ecstatic about this modernist piece.
Now, 50 percent of his business is classic modernist pieces.
Ms. Bogen said she was aiming for more softness and curves than a lot of the vintage modernist pieces she sells.
The forniture is elegant but discreet, mixing classic style with some modernist pieces.
An oil artwork on canvas, the modernist piece is noted for the strength and vibrancy of its colour palette and is considered to rank amongst Yeats' best work.
Two years ago he ruthlessly cleared out his 18th-century French furniture and replaced it with modernist pieces by Jean-Michel Frank and Eileen Grey.
Some modernist pieces are also a bargain because they are too recent to have achieved any cachet.
Aside from collecting's cycles, many design enthusiasts are acquiring modernist pieces just because they like the look.
His modernist piece Rhythm Futur was intended to be acceptably unjazzlike.
There was the same parade of modernist pieces (six, in this case) performed by talented student forces ranging from soloists to a conducted octet.