Old Bloomsbury's development was shattered along with just about everything else in modernist culture by the First World War.
Tzara continued to be an active promoter of modernist culture.
According to his essay, the success of modernist culture, exemplified by the enormous crowds at the Pompidou, is also its downfall.
This merging of consumer and high versions of modernist culture led to a radical transformation of the meaning of "modernism".
I shall argue that modernist culture signifies in a largely 'discursive' way, while postmodernist signification is importantly 'figural'.
Moreover, popular culture was the subject, and arguably the condition of existence, of high modernist culture.
Reception of modernist culture necessitates a differentiated habitus and a sort of specialized cultural capital.
The presence of Vaclav Havel at a discussion forum at the ICA in April underlined a further fact about critical and post- modernist culture.