In the simplicity of form and colours these works look similar to other works by modernist artists at the time.
Ophuls became, in short, more of a self-consciously modernist artist.
She had a perfect right to these methods; they were the property of all modernist artists.
The museum has a rich collection of prints by international modernist artists, which consists of more than four thousand items.
This can be seen as paralleling techniques used by modernist artists and composers to similar ends.
Oil on canvas was preferred to ink and to water color techniques by a majority of modernist East Asian artists.
Beckett is recognised as one of Australia's most important modernist artists.
The main restoration effort is directed toward filling in works by modernist artists who, for reasons of gender or geography, were previously overlooked.
Mondrian, Kandinsky and a host of other early modernist artists apparently didn't think so.
The works, often witty, robust and stylish, are by modernist artists who were experimenting with typography.