The 31-pence and 34-pence values show the use of heraldry by modern-day societies.
The underlying assumption is that the male and the female of each species compete for power, much as they do in modern-day human society.
The songs highlight several issues which are relevant in modern-day Indian society.
The film is based on the current scenario of increased divorces in modern-day Indian society.
Such is the hypocrisy of the modern-day society in which we live.
The situation now corresponds to modern-day industrial societies and the society of the future, the service or post-industrial society.
The speed of work done in religious faith can never be accomplished in modern-day society run by materialistic considerations.
This is both the 'dear deceit' which goes back centuries and the curse peculiar to modern-day society.
I am forever bemused by the verities of our modern-day society.
In our modern-day society, chemicals are all around us.