Vikernes now embraces a "modern scientific worldview resting on a foundation made up of the Pagan values and ideals: loyalty, wisdom, courage, love, discipline, honesty, intelligence, beauty, responsibility, health and strength."
Through Covington's view of Darwin, McDonald examines the ramifications of the theory of evolution, thus allowing the reader to reconsider how much Darwinism has influenced the modern worldview.
According to Glendinning, Neo-luddites are "20th century citizens-activists, workers, neighbors, social critics, and scholars-who question the predominant modern worldview, which preaches that unbridled technology represents progress".
This chapter is very educational because the extreme anthropocentric view of that period is far removed from our modern worldview.
Information, like the early modern worldview in general, shifted from a divinely ordered cosmos to a system governed by the motion of corpuscles.
The evolution of the modern worldview, you might even say, is exemplified by the evolution of our feelings toward mountains.
It was the first of a series of clashes between a modern, wholly rational worldview on the one hand, and the religious mind-set, formed by cult and myth, on the other.
Hoping to resolve his crisis of faith and reconcile the modern worldview with his Christian faith, he went to University of Chicago Divinity School in 1947.
According to Rifkin, his ideas destroy the notion of history as progress, transcending the modern worldview.
Now it has been cruelly undermined by the expectations incubated by the modern worldview.