Familiars are considered an identifying characteristic of early modern English witchcraft, and serve as one feature setting it apart from European witchcraft.
Since its publication, it has become a classic book on Wicca and modern witchcraft, spiritual feminism and the Goddess movement, and ecofeminism.
Seax-Wicca, a form of modern religious witchcraft founded by Raymond Buckland.
The paganism of modern witchcraft is an expansive philosophy which holds all aspects of life as sacred.
There, she spoke about how Wicca is a Neo pagan religion and a form of modern witchcraft.
'That's modern witchcraft for you, is it?'
The mythology of these groups has become a popular subject among adherents of modern witchcraft and Neopaganism.
His main field of research is on the history of modern and contemporary witchcraft and magic.
In many tarot decks and in some forms of modern witchcraft, pentacles often prominently incorporate a pentagram in their design.
"This is the modern witchcraft."