Its front legs had four toes instead of the three found in modern rhinos.
But while a modern rhino can run between 25 and 30 miles an hour, we believe that triceratops could do better than 35 miles an hour.
Trigonias was about 2.1 m (7 ft) long and, despite lacking horns, looked a lot like modern rhinos.
Its front legs had five toes (as contrasted with three in modern rhinos), the fifth of which was vestigal.
This may have been to help clear snow off the grass, or as part of a ritual display, as in some modern rhinos.
The earlier hyracodontid species, such as Hyracodon were modest-sized, fast-running, lightly built animals with little similarity to modern rhinos.
Hyracodontidae, also known as 'running rhinos', showed adaptations for speed, and would have looked more like horses than modern rhinos.
Horses and modern rhinos came onto the scene.
Their heads were horn-less but equipped with tusk-like lower incisors and were held in a horizontal position, in contrast to modern rhinos.
Teleoceras had much shorter legs than modern rhinos, and a barrel chest, making its build more like that of a hippopotamus than a modern rhino.