More than any modern pope, John Paul moved boldly to end the estrangement between Catholics and Jews.
The only modern pope with a keep-fit regime had been Pope Pius XI (r: 1922-1939) who was an avid mountain climber.
What possible prognostication from a controversial source could set a modern pope to blubbering for three whole days?
No modern pope has visited Egypt, but the pope's desire to spread an ecumenical message there may also be hampered by the political and religious realities of the Middle East.
In certain cases, modern popes have claimed the power to dissolve marriages once considered indissoluble.
John Paul has done more than any modern pope to end the estrangement between Catholics and Jews.
Generally, modern popes name themselves in deference to a Holy Father who helped them rise through the church's hierarchy or otherwise shaped their careers.
John Paul was the first modern pope to set foot in a synagogue, in Rome in 1986, and he established diplomatic relations with Israel.
The only modern pope with a fitness regimen had been Pope Pius XI (1922-1939) who was an avid mountaineer.
All others monarchs, like modern popes, are "inaugurated" into office.