He was also considered to be the founder of modern pharmacology and brought the field to prominence in the 1940's and 1950's.
While many herbal remedies claim stomachic effects, modern pharmacology does not have an equivalent term for this type of action.
The roots of modern pharmacology lie in the empirical discoveries of the past century, when medical men found that single therapeutic agents could effect seemingly miraculous cures.
Prioreschi regards it as "an obvious impossibility in the light of modern pharmacology".
Instead, Danvers used modern pharmacology to keep his libido stifled.
Even in present-day medicine, despite the advent of modern pharmacology, herbal remedies still play an important role.
Mr President, although modern pharmacology and synthetic medicines enjoy uncontested status, herbal medicines are still important for human health and welfare.
Whilst acknowledging the predominant role played by modern pharmacology, it should also be recognised that medicinal herbs still have their place in medicine and that their therapeutic potential can be exploited.
Melfi prescribes Prozac as an anti-depressant, telling him that no one needs to suffer from depression with the wonders of modern pharmacology.
A well-known student of his was chemist Oswald Schmiedeberg (1838-1921), who was to become the "founder of modern pharmacology".