Eighteenth-century music emerges for the modern listener out of a historical fog.
Or more to the point, the poor modern listener!
It may be a scoring that suits the needs of modern listeners for all its apparent antiquarianism.
He allows the modern listener to imagine himself an old soul.
So to be "authentic" is in this sense to deny modern listeners the pleasure of hearing a performer express ideas about a score.
But now that players do perform it complete, modern listeners have the chance to appreciate, and should expect players in public to convey, its organization.
The 'atom' is the supposed narrator, a witness to the events and somehow able to communicate them to modern listeners.
Hence modern listeners may be predisposed to find the Messa wanting in that respect.
THE variety clear to any modern listener would also have been there originally, in church.
"I Love a Mystery" was a tremendous hit and many episodes still offer chills to modern listeners.