By the mid-1930s, many modern intellectuals found work in government, and political bodies began to seek advice from extra-parliamentary intellectuals.
You might have to worry about any other breed of men, but not about the modern intellectuals: they'll swallow anything.
I suppose the idea that the gods we create would turn out to be real because we created them has a certain ironic appeal to a modern intellectual.
For the modern intellectual, who stands outside the crowd, the memory of enchantment may be awakened more easily by art than by prayer.
This arrangement has been deplored by many modern intellectuals.
The story deals with the theme of modern Chinese intellectuals confronting day-to-day reality.
The Black Honors Caucus promotes the development of the modern black intellectual.
The magistri developed many of the professional qualities associated with modern academic intellectuals.
Is there any higher tribute that the very model of a modern intellectual could pay to a writer about religion?