Evie Christie's collection, Gutted, seems to evoke the 17th century metaphysical conceit, but in a modern, urban Canadian guise.
There was still no sign of the major rule changes that transformed the sport into its modern guise.
He rolled his shoulders and settled back into his modern guise as he stood beside me.
The two knights of Knot I, in a modern guise, are party to a dispute about the weight of a passengers' bags lost overboard from a ship.
In its modern guise, the knee-covering skirt is shown with a white linen pea jacket and a black bra.
Rather than idealizing the subject matter, Sibelius took an archaic-flavored, musically radical approach that embraced both the tale's ancient nature and its modern guise.
Such voids rarely remain unfilled for long, and there are signs that the table radio is about to be reborn in modern guise.
The dark mood of old myth retold in various modern guises is no problem; that can be sloughed off at the exit.
Since the CBS Studio appeared in its modern guise at about the time of the fair, I always identified it with the international exhibition.
But this old-style piety was promoted in a modern guise.