Instead, Muhammad and the Panthers became a modern fable, the team that flew too close to the sun.
Ellis's most recent novel is a tartly funny, if not entirely successful, modern fable.
Tsai Ming-liang's film gives a feeling of a modern fable, but is difficult to understand.
He was a master of the modern fable, a precursor of what soon would be called magical realism.
The old stone house we rented outside Avignon last August fitted the modern fable well enough.
This modern fable now seems an indispensable part of our cultural heritage in the west.
The story of Bernstein plays like a modern American fable.
These modern fables portray an antihero whose faults always mortify him.
Two Greek poems from the 2nd century CE seem to have contributed to the making of the modern fable.
Charlie Chaplin is back this week with a sprinkling of silent classics and a beautiful modern fable.