Imelda's style and looks reminded me of the perfect '50s girl but with a modern edge.
This is stride piano with an abrasive modern edge.
"It really did look like an Old Master painting," he said, "but with a modern edge."
Like many styles in his collection, the knitted dresses have a welcome modern edge.
Fireworks may be missing from the first days of the fall shows here, but there's no shortage of real clothes with a modern edge.
The graphic energy of his gifted performers added a modern edge to the ballet vocabulary.
It is an old story, the immigrants versus the neighborhood, only this one has a modern edge.
"All we needed was to give it an extreme makeover, with a modern twist, a modern edge."
Designs are inspired by religion and culture with a modern edge.
Their music respects the past but lives in the present, and layers musical textures with a modern edge to create a new sound.