In the early 1930s, a very modern operational doctrine for the Red Army was developed and promulgated in the 1936 field regulations.
Under modern military doctrine battalion groups are being replaced by battlegroups.
Islamic economics is a modern doctrine that claims to offer an alternative to economic systems developed in the West, including capitalism and socialism.
Parliamentary groups get put under the spotlight and modern doctrine says that must be a good thing.
And the modern doctrine of commercial despotism means that we shall not find it at all.
Mr. Epstein cheerfully volunteered in an interview that he was "way off the scale" of modern constitutional doctrine.
This ruling, though quite narrow, opened the door for the modern doctrine of contract avoidance by impracticability.
This fact is a trifle obscured for us by the modern doctrine of the holiday.
It was Nechayev who invented the modern terrorist doctrine of "propaganda by deed".
That is why modern doctrine sees no point in razing cities.