He complained that modern anti-Semitism was becoming merged with German mysticism and nationalism.
Additional central topics are Israel and the Israeli-Arab conflict, as well as modern anti-Semitism in German speaking countries.
Do you honestly believe Israel is not a factor in modern anti-Semitism?
According to Paul Johnson, it "may be termed the first work of modern anti-Semitism, and a giant step forward on the road to the Holocaust".
It said centuries of Catholic hostility toward Jews "prepared the way for modern anti-Semitism."
Except the main character, they all lived in reality, including his grandfather, author of the mysterious message to abbot Barruelo which gave rise to all modern anti-Semitism".
I don't think modern anti-semitism is 'mostly a myth'.
"The church played an important role in promulgating every one of these ideas that are central to modern anti-Semitism," Mr. Kertzer writes.
Postone shows that modern anti-Semitism is very different from most forms of racism and Christian anti-Semitism.