The forelimbs were somewhat reduced however, and like modern amphibians typically had only four toes each.
Although some modern amphibians lay eggs on land, with or without significant protection, they all lack advanced traits like an amnion.
This animal is considered to have been close to the ancestry of modern amphibians.
Unlike modern amphibians, many temnospondyls are covered in small, closely packed scales.
Using fossil evidence, there are three main theories for the origin of modern amphibians.
These bones are still partially separate in modern amphibians, which therefore do not have a true talus.
In modern amphibians the skull roof is further reduced and has large openings.
Many finer details of the skull link Gerobatrachus with modern amphibians.
Many of the features that link Gerobatrachus with modern amphibians are also seen in other amphibamids.
A very small allantois is found in modern amphibians.