Sculpture is represented mostly by kitschy figuration or classic modern abstraction.
This is a new style, out of modern abstractions, two-dimensional projections and its typical linearity and flatness.
Despite a very realistic depiction the paintings carry a subtle kind of modern abstraction achieved through the dramatic presentation of the waves.
It was his first firsthand encounter with truly modern abstraction.
Together, the works are indicative of his development from social realism through modern abstraction and remained on display until July 30, 2006.
Many of his works, however, are secular, modern abstractions that echo their original religious sources.
"In its early part, modern abstraction used the city as image," he said.
The post-modern use of historical forms, which once offered a lively opposition to modern abstraction, has faded.
Others address the particular dynamics of modern Western abstraction and retain only the ghost of calligraphic forms.
Or an amalgam of modern musical abstraction and avant-garde rock?