In 1986 and 1987, for example, most of the damage was "moderately negative," the least severe negative category by Salomon's standards.
In the first quarter of 1996, Nestle said, the strength of the franc had a "moderately negative influence."
Barker said that an increase of 25 points was likely to be "neutral" for shares, while a 50-point increase or no action would be "moderately negative."
Patrice also received moderately negative comments, and was told to "bring the rock".
While the reaction to a strong negative stimulus is to avoid, a moderately negative stimulus instead causes curiosity and further examination.
Women have on average stronger avoidance reactions to moderately negative stimuli.
Professional reviews of Mob Boss were moderately negative.
Sky Movies have given the film a low rating and a moderately negative review.
Quote: "Longitudinal stability is moderately negative with a full fly-by-wire digital control system.
John Keegan from Critical Myth gave the episode a moderately negative review and awarded it a 4 out of 10.