Moderately entertaining.
The Guardians Peter Bradshaw, who found the film "moderately entertaining," took Blunt to task, calling her a "real disappointment ... strained and awkward."
He described the Robin / Nick plot as "pretty unbearable", Marshall as "mildly racist", and Barney's story as "moderately entertaining."
They and the uniformly competent performance of the cast make it a moderately entertaining, if rather somnolently paced, story-book film.
Shot in unremarkable 3D, Thor is a moderately entertaining film on which an immoderately large amount of time and money has been expended.
But it is a moderately entertaining roadside attraction about an hour's drive south of San Diego in an area that has fairly few, other than hotels, restaurants, bars and surf breaks.
De Graaf seemed to find it a moderately entertaining thought.
Rich Rosell from Digitally Obsessed awarded the episode 3.5 out of 5 stars and wrote that the episode was "Not brilliant, but moderately entertaining."
I though Moulin Rouge was moderately entertaining, but I'd stop shy of recommending it.
This turns out to be an unwise if moderately entertaining move.