Well, unless you already know someone who is willing to play a five hour, moderately complex game, 1960 is the way to go.
This is another large-scale work with moderately complex piano preparation, involving 27 notes.
Many of these "concoctions" are moderately complex, and others can be quite simple in formula.
Schools will compete in prize challenges for design of moderately complex systems.
This time will accommodate approximately 90 percent of all drivers when confronted with simple to moderately complex highway situations.
The kind of language necessary to express a new idea, or even a moderately complex idea, is considered suspect.
The game features moderately complex rules and a typical game length of two and a half hours.
"It's moderately complex, for patients who want take an active role in their treatment."
In general, however, any moderately complex Bayesian network is usually termed "hierarchical".
As for speed, an organized taxpayer using either program can finish a moderately complex Federal and state return in a few hours.