The best sporty vehicles manage to balance good handling with enough suspension compliance to be moderately comfortable.
And the answer, for each of you, is anywhere from moderately comfortable to Welfare, depending on how well you cooperate with me.
An ambivert is moderately comfortable with groups and social interaction, but also can enjoy time alone, away from a crowd.
I'd been waiting for over an hour, moderately comfortable despite the snow because of newly purchased long underwear and gloves.
I sat across his desk from him in a moderately comfortable chair with arms.
A large fierce-looking dog whom Poirot suspected of having mange growled from his position on a moderately comfortable fourth chair.
However, the music went on as scheduled, the fans helped each other stay moderately comfortable, and to many it turned out to be an unforgettable experience.
This house is, I think, moderately comfortable.
If you live on steak and French fries, if you drive even a moderately comfortable car.
The car was praised for its adequate handling as well as a moderately comfortable ride.