That model combines the highest accuracy we've measured in headphones, comfortable design, moderate weight, and enviable bass reproduction.
The 9x18mm cartridge is a practical cartridge in blowback-operated pistols; producing a respectable level of energy from a gun of moderate weight and size.
Clun Forest fleeces are of moderate weight (six to eight pounds) and staple (four inches) and are very consistent from neck to britch.
Agricultural airplanes are typically certificated in the normal category at a moderate weight.
Circuit training is short bursts of resistance exercise using moderate weights and frequent repetitions, followed quickly by another burst of exercise targeting a different muscle group.
Their moderate weight of 400 to 450 pounds, spirited accleration and distinctive exhaust growl make these machines perennial favorites.
Mules could be lightweight, medium weight, or even, when produced from draught horse mares, of moderate heavy weight.
Daedalus himself tried first, hitting the shell-like structure with a sharp steel chisel, driven by a hammer of moderate weight.
If these are done with moderate weights in strict style during the early stages of training, then very good foundations will have been laid for more advanced, specialised exercises.
Choose moderate weights to start with and progress gradually.