Huntsman: A close third, buoyed by the moderate Mandarin vote.
Now that coalition, which was often cemented with Justice Powell's moderate vote, is more precarious.
This time, the Northern League has stayed out of the game, but a cluster of parties have sprung up, all seeking the moderate vote.
Obama won the moderate vote 60-39 and the independent vote 52-44.
Huffman and Hellon split the moderate vote, allowing Graf to win with a plurality of 42 percent.
In the end, fewer than 1 in 10 were disqualified, leaving some districts with bloated lists of relative unknowns vying for the moderate vote.
I agree Romney is more moderate, and he may be splitting the moderate vote with his cousin Jon, if the latter's campaign grows some wings.
One question not being asked - why should a moderate or registered independent vote for any of these people?
I won the moderate vote.
Graf won anyway, helped by a split in the Republican moderate vote between two candidates.