Will Hezbollah continue the more moderate politics it adopted in the 1990's?
A lot of white voters said they liked his moderate politics.
Albanians know that only a moderate politics able to guarantee freedom for Serbs and all others here is acceptable.
"Don't you just think that New Jersey has moderate politics?"
In his 13-minute address to the convention, the Mayor made no concessions to the moderate politics likely to prevail this week.
But his energy and moderate politics give him a good chance to upset the older, more conservative Republican.
Polls show overwhelming backing for a more moderate politics.
He is personally conservative but tempers it to be in step with the moderate politics of his district and the Republican conference in the Senate.
Would these countries have produced a more moderate politics under a parliamentary system, with its flexibility and power-sharing?
Not interested is such moderate politics, a thought flashed to go to California to study agriculture.