Today, there is back and forth debate over full fusion and kiss-and-run fusion and which model portrays a more accurate picture of the mechanisms behind synaptic release.
Episode 12: The models portrayed the element that best represented them.
The models were portraying military personnel sneaking off to engage in illicit erotic encounters.
That is especially true if a model portrays a lifestyle that is too expensive for a potential buyer, Ms. Enders said, because buyers may not consider the house.
One model portrayed Liz Tilberis, the new editor at Harper's Bazaar, which is celebrating its 125th year.
A model portrayed Christie in the Tekken Maxim Photoshoot gallery in Maxim.
The Welchs had no children but adopted a niece, Serena, who became the model for the figure portrayed on the canning labels of Pocahontas Foods.
Episode 10: The models choreographed their own fashion show with a gothic and dark theme, while each model portrayed a different character in the plot of a story.
His métier was painting from nature - live models, frankly portrayed - and also painting in the open air, a fairly fresh and Romantic concept for Danish artists.