It used to be used as a site for flying model aeroplanes but has been forbidden due to accidents.
His "Atom" engine of 1926 was the first to fly a model aeroplane.
Jim evinced a fascination with aviation from an early age, carving model aeroplanes out of wood.
Here he is again playing the well-behaved schoolboy with a model aeroplane on his desk.
At the toyshop, Pingu eventually decides to get a model aeroplane as a present.
There are areas to fly model aeroplanes and helicopters.
In 1954, Rechenberg also became world champion in the field of model aeroplanes.
E.g. My brother got a model aeroplane for his birthday.
The craft was the first model aeroplane to lift itself by its own power after a run on the ground.
It was a model aeroplane, but it had an engine in it.