Wythe also developed experiential tools, including moot courts and mock legislative sessions, which tools are still used today.
He didn't have the tools to change easily so I had to hand-feed him desexualized responses to practice in our mock sessions.
During the mock sessions, Professor Cohen evaluates the lawyers' performance from a legal-strategy point of view.
During the mock session, the participant said, she showed "a certain sophistication" that prosesutors fear may hurt their portrayal of her.
The preparation is to will include mock question-and-answer sessions that will most likely involve outside lawyers experienced in combative Congressional hearings.
Other soldiers wrote letters home on Senate stationery and conducted raucous mock sessions.
Model Congress - Trinity's award-winning student delegation that writes legislation and holds mock sessions of Congress with other schools across the country.
It introduces high school students to the operation of the Connecticut General Assembly via participation in a mock legislative session.
Faculty of Law offers quite interesting classes by mixing the theory with practical by conducting mock sessions on kind of real cases.
Elisa took part in Idaho's mock legislative session for high-school students, and was elected Speaker of the House.