Several times, during the weeks that followed, she saw moccasin tracks near the spring.
In the sand, not two feet from him, was a moccasin track.
The wagons passed a number of wickiups after crossing the river, and Rockwell had found moccasin tracks around the camp.
When they reached him, the Trappers saw he knelt in a confusion of sled ruts and moccasin tracks.
"We need to forget about these people"-He kicked at the moccasin tracks.
But there were plenty of moccasin tracks on the wet ground.
The guy with the hat was slowly, meticulously, scanning the crowd looking for something or someone, maybe a trail of broken twigs and moccasin tracks.
Overlaid upon the moccasin tracks was a huge print, six-toed, and as long as a man's forearm.
I followed; and at long intervals I could make out the string of moccasin tracks, still visible in the loose, dry sand.
Then I saw moccasin tracks, some shreds of bark, and a few sticks - somebody collecting firewood.