Now the city has mobile refueling trucks that can drive from melter to melter.
Restaurants, cafes, bakeries and mobile trucks also provide opportunities for consumers to purchase food.
The mobile crime-scene truck arrived in Ouray, and its investigators immediately began to process the scene.
Sessions were held at Rundown, with Dylan renting a mobile truck to record the proceedings.
(The mobile truck was equipped with 24-track capabilities, something his studio did not have.)
Oliver took the toy bomb and used it to blow up Lex's mobile truck that he was in, killing him.
MAN claims it is the most mobile and reliable truck on earth.
For one-time events, each organization may have its own responsibility (such as providing all cameras or mobile trucks).
The 404 was intended to be a mobile cross-country truck, instead of an agricultural implement.
As repairs continue, the two buildings on East 56th Street will be provided with steam from two mobile trucks.