Add tablets and mobile gadgets to the mix, and they claim around 55 percent of all RTE traffic.
It is now also looking at other ways in which mobile gadgets could be used to support consultations.
The target market is anyone who travels and has an electronic mobile gadget - from tourists to business travellers and the services sector to explorers.
"This will enable it to be used to create powerful robots and mobile gadgets."
Perhaps even more important, mobile gadgets with access to everything that is already on television are on the way.
While most industry experts do not question that mobile gadgets will someday become mainstream gateways to the Internet, they note that major technological issues remain.
Flash-based memory also consumes little power, which is especially important for mobile gadgets like cellphones and organizers.
Some of the newest mobile gadgets, however, require users to set up a separate e-mail account for that device.
Those devices must be equipped with Bluetooth, but that is an increasingly common feature in mobile gadgets.
There will be full-motion video displays in mobile gadgets everywhere, from GPS systems and smartphones to the dashboard in your car.