For instance, when approaching a mobile army the units would be split into three or more army groups, each trying to outflank and surprise their opponents.
Together with the motorization of the other infantry and support units, this gave both armies highly mobile, combined-arms formations.
A mobile army might have been in state of forced celibacy but this was not possible or practical for soldiers in fixed frontier posts.
Behind the line was a mobile army headquartered in Tula (6,279 men in 1616, 17,005 in 1636).
The garrison in the town itself numbered 12,000, while outside was a mobile army maintaining contact and supply routes.
In addition, his mobile army's supply lines were constantly threatened along their whole length, severely restricting its operational range.
Now the most mobile army in the world could capitalize on its mobility.
But in time of emergency they sometimes were sent to the mobile army.
The mobile army immediately started to invest the fortress.
It was a mobile army that was not specifically assigned to any front.