By the time Christian mobs sacked the library and museum at the end of the century as a pagan institution, there was probably little left to destroy.
Suspiciously well organized mobs sacked one or two of the temple mounds.
On hearing the news, an angry mob attacked the prisons, liberated the prisoners and sacked the King's residence.
But even before their arrival, the mob had already sacked the churches and the friaries.
A mob drove the Jesuits from Holyrood, sacked the Chapel Royal and desecrated the royal tombs.
One of the worst incidents occurred in Kennebunk, Me., where a mob of 2,500 people sacked and burned the local Kingdom Hall.
Hours earlier, a mob had broken into the presidential palace and sacked it.
The combined mob sacked the headquarters building and city hall "throwing into the square portraits of Ceauşescu, and food from the well-stocked canteen."
The land had been unused since angry mobs sacked the few houses that stood there in the vengeful months after the Duvalier regime collapsed in 1986.
Stirred by Knox's sermons in Perth and Dundee, the mob sacked religious houses (including the tomb of James I in Perth).