The mob roared louder.
Even through the heavy and ancient walls, she could hear the crowd noise rising as the mobs roared in their surge toward the palace.
The mob, in no mood to be lectured, roared its disapproval.
The mob roared louder and pushed forward.
The mob roared its approval.
Jim Dalton, a 72-year old iron worker, called for Mayes to be lynched, and the 5,000-strong mob roared towards the jail.
The mob raged and roared, like a mad monster as it was, unceasingly, and each new outrage served to swell its fury.
And the mob roared, a terrible sound, as the old woman thrust the purple lump into her toothless mouth and chewed upon it.
Again the mob roared with laughter, and even the wounded Britannicus could not contain himself.
In Paris, mobs roared through the streets nightly, sacking, burning, killing, unmolested, uninterrupted.