An angry mob converged on the royal palace, after which the hapless king abdicated and fled to England.
In June 1783, a mob of angry soldiers converged upon Independence Hall to demand payment for their service during the American Revolutionary War.
A mob of 5,000 people converged at the jail in 1854 to rescue Joshua Glover, a runaway slave captured and imprisoned by federal marshals.
He arrived just as the angry mob was converging on the palace.
The mob soon converges on the Simpson household, and Lisa is promptly arrested and put on trial for stealing the skeleton.
Lights popped on rapidly at the site, as if a mob of paparazzis had converged on the home of a celebrity.
In Rome, a smart mob converged on a book store; the members insisted that shop employees help them find nonexistent books.
As quickly as the mobs converged on the Metrodome, they were disappearing.
Driven by a variety of agitators, the mob converged on the Hôtel de Ville where they demanded not only bread, but arms.
The next day, a mob led by an injured Eldredge converges on the hospital where Harman is recuperating, and is barely kept from lynching him.