And on one corner, said Stewart Shearer, a mixed-race resident, there is a boarded-up home that used to cater to crack dealers.
The city is home to 4.4% of the state's Hispanic population, and the highest number of mixed-race residents in the county at 13%.
Its promise that low-cost housing and new utilities would be brought to Kleinskool after the blacks moved encouraged many mixed-race residents to keep silent.
Now known as Louisiana Creoles, the mixed-race residents then constituted a separate class between the European-Americans and the large majority of mostly black African slaves.
Out of sight behind an escarpment, and out of mind as far as past white city leaders were concerned, are satellite communities for about 160,000 mixed-race residents, 7,000 Asians and 600,000 blacks.
Grangetown is a diverse and multiracial district and has a significant population of Somali, Asian and mixed-race residents.
The settlement is on the paved road that runs from George's big employers, the frozen vegetable plant and steel mill, into a cluster of apartheid communities for black and mixed-race residents.
He grew up in Durban in a ghetto set aside for "coloreds," the apartheid term for mixed-race residents.
The Association of Multiethnic Americans will argue that mixed-race residents be counted separately, Mr. Fernandez said.
The mixed-race residents known as "coloreds" were collected from around the area and deposited in Stirtonville, now called Reiger Park, population 27,000.