Finding a way to sort mixed materials quickly and accurately may be the key to making plastics recycling practical.
A hip roofed structure presently used as a senior center, it was built in 1908 of mixed materials and remains mostly intact.
Everything, even the mixed materials that are left after the identifiable materials are pulled out, is eventually sold.
Forming is making the mixed material into shapes, ranging from toilet bowls to spark plug insulators.
On Friday 6 June night shift workers again took unofficial action when a mixed material containing asbestos dust spilled.
They are less likely to eat mixed materials containing artificial fibers.
"It's made of a lot of mixed materials that you don't really find now, like thin steel under heavy wood."
It is likely that he worked with mixed materials; chemical analysis shows the use of oils.
Starch, usually mung bean, functions as a gelling agent to solidify the mixed materials.
Construction was of mixed materials, with metal used for the undercarriage, engine mount, and cabane struts.