"You'll be mixing words and image in your bowl," Fitch advised.
Ms. Carnwath mixes words and images on beautifully worked surfaces, conflating reading and looking.
The formulas mix prayers, magic words, and simple rituals to cure simple domestic ailments and rural troubles.
It shows itself in the way different cultures mix words, cooking spices and musical idioms with their own.
You were among the first American artists to mix words with images, and I am wondering if you see yourself as a kind of homespun poet.
Jervon grinned, then babbled at her, mixing random words with nonsense syllables.
Q: The art of visual narrative - mixing words, illustration and design - isn't common in our culture.
In his text Karinthy mixes exotic words like:
He's also known as one of the first Korean rappers to mix Korean and English words to rhyme in the song.