Berlin Bertie mixes gritty realism with poetic passages in which the five characters step out of the action to express their innermost thoughts and desires.
Lately he has sometimes let go of narrative to free-associate, mixing bleak realism with humor, and in recent songs he lets love overcome his skepticism now and then.
His tales mix well-documented historical and social realism with the fantastic in the form of ghost stories, local legends and science fiction.
Some of his stories draw on his medical career, dramatically mixing realism, romance, and social criticism.
Loosely based on interviews she conducted with actual psychiatric patients, the films mix faux-documentary realism and hallucinatory fantasy, at times indistinguishably.
It mixes stark realism with other elements deeply rooted in fantasy, and scenes of comic relief.
Images of these last events mix harsh, detailed realism with the ritualistic restraint of a passion play.
The museum successfully mixes realism and fantasy, skepticism and enthusiasm.
This Finnish artist makes extraordinarily resonant, fictional short films about psychosis, mixing faux-documentary realism and hallucinatory fantasy.