For ECD instruments, a polynomial fit relating response to mixing ratio is used to assign values.
CCl4 is decreasing in mixing ratio at a rate of 0.8% yr-1.
CFC-113 has leveled off and is slowly dropping in mixing ratio with time.
These include vapor pressure, specific humidity, mixing ratio, dew point temperature, and relative humidity.
In terms of mixing ratio, horizontal transport/advection can be represented in terms moisture flux:
Taking a volume of air at temperature T and mixing ratio of r , drying it by condensation will restitute energy to the airmass.
Also known as moisture content or mixing ratio.
An approximate conversion using in degrees Celsius and mixing ratio in g/kg is:
The drawbacks are explosion hazard and high sensitivity of the deposition rate and morphology to the process parameters, such as mixing ratio, substrate temperature, etc.
Note that is concentration per unit volume, and is not mixing ratio () in a background fluid.