Mixing over-the-counter medications with prescription medications is not as simple as one would think.
As the population ages, the problems associated with mixing alcohol and medications are certain to increase.
The poisonings, it said, involved not only children ingesting inappropriate materials but adults who mixed medications or illegal drugs.
She died in Paris, France, of mixing alcohol and medications, at the age of 26.
Ms. Kineavy said that about a third of her duties each day are not really nursing tasks: mixing medications, cleaning beds, answering the phone and transporting patients.
Anytime you have questions about mixing medications, you should always consult your pharmacist.
FDA guidelines authorize pharmacists to "compound" or mix medications only in response to a physician's valid prescription.
And with so many new drugs, some children, like some adults, are mixing medications.
However, many people with asthma find it's surprisingly easy to forget to take their potentially life-saving medication, or to mix medications up.