Traditional breeding produces better animals through mixing genes from two different parent animals to produce a specimen superior to both.
Furthermore, recent research shows that viruses play a heretofore unexpectedly great role in evolution by mixing and matching genes from various hosts.
A: Good hair is naturally straight or wavy hair, which results from mixing white genes and black genes.
Must be something about mixing human and Vulcan genes that produces large amounts of guilt.
His skill is genetic engineering, creating a new monster to support him in battle by mixing genes from other monsters.
"If you mix genes from genetically distant organisms that don't fit each other well, you will not have an organism that can live."
Because you get better offspring when you mix genes.
This method of renewing the blood line worked, however the result of mixing genes for colour remained quite unpredictable.
The creation of genetically engineered fish expands the realm of organisms in which scientists are mixing genes from different species.