Thanks to this breakthrough, the information contained in mitochondrial DNA sequences was much more accessible.
Examining the birds' mitochondrial DNA sequences, the researchers estimated when these pairs of species split apart.
Phylogenetic relationships of plecotine bats and allies based on mitochondrial ribosomal sequences (subscription required).
"According to Gagne, the mitochondrial sequences from the Specter cat were identical to those from the septic tank hair."
A test using cytochrome b mitochondrial DNA sequences.
Three years ago, two of my postdocs did a research project on mitochondrial DNA sequences from Neandertal bone tissue.
Neotomine-peromyscine rodent systematics based on combined analyses of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequences.
This complicates molecular phylogenetic studies, especially those relying on mitochondrial and chloroplast DNA sequences.
However, some individuals in both species have mitochondrial DNA sequences that resemble those of the other species, due to introgressive hybridization.
What we do have confirms that the three bones come from distinct individuals, although two may have been related, as their mitochondrial DNA sequences were identical.