The end result of COPPADES' mitigation programs was a win-win situation for all - the project proponents and the local community people and local environment.
The mitigation programs improves housing and buildings to help prevent damage following another hurricane in North Carolina.
After an allowable level of take is determined, the applicant may begin to prepare the mitigation program.
Sufficient funding must be provided for all proposed activities, including those relating to any necessary surveys, monitoring programs, mitigation programs, and construction of the proposed project.
"These projects will be done in conjunction with Blue Sky," said John P. DiNuzzo, chief of mitigation programs for the State Emergency Management Office.
It also teaches them about Smart Recovery, Ohio's mitigation program.
(2001:466), discount rates used in assessing mitigation programmes need to at least partly reflect the opportunity costs of capital.
"The company's agreement to early implementation of all the mitigation programs was really a big carrot for us," he said.
The benefits of implementing a mitigation program usually far outweigh the costs.
That means specific individual numbers on reduction of emissions and a detailed finance package to help developing countries both to develop mitigation programmes and to adapt to climate change.