Low on the southern horizon a milky, misty moon shed its mysterious light over the dark lifelessness of the polar ice cap.
And as the colours dulled in the slow twilight, the moon, still misty, wept tears of brilliant, heavy silver into the dim lilac sea.
Except that the Krahseevah was glowing like a misty moon with legs.
The last sun patch upon the headland darkened and the misty moon at once seemed to grow brighter above the four oncomers.
She came to love the wreaths of cirrus clouds, the huge, misty moon, the slow, oceanic pulse of the centuries-long year.
Such a dear misty, new moon?
Which would be the lady of the misty moon?
A misty moon came up, flares were set out on the island, and the festivities came to an end.
"The misty moon of spring is not the best, really," said Genji.
There was a mirth of windy trees all about Silver Bush and a misty, cloud-blown new moon hanging over it.